
?Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.? ~John Mitchell [ratings]


God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. [ratings]


NEW YORK ( -- Cash for Clunkers is just about at the end of the road. The government-funded rebate program, popular with consumers, comes to its official completion on Monday. Dealers have until 8 p.m. to file claims for any deals. Some dealers said they were participating in the Clunker program right up to the end. Others said ...


Facebook has submitted v. 3.0 of their iPhone application to Apple, Joe Hewitt says via Twitter: ?Just uploaded Facebook for iPhone 3.0 to the App Store for review. :)? Hewitt also says he?ll post screen shots and more detais on this Facebook page for the iPhone app next week, and that he?s looking forward to getting ...


Like music? Like free music? You may remember my previous post about the mammoth library of free MP3s at Amazon (which is now nearing 1,000 tracks). Don't stop there. Music-marketing and -discovery site ReverbNation is offering 1,000 free song downloads. No strings, no software to install, just a big fat library of free tunes. Though sponsored by ...


?Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.? ~Unknown [ratings]


Facebook, it appears, was not about to let Google get this week's award for shadowy new projects. On Tuesday night, a number of users--including Mashable blogger Ben Parr--received notifications that they were beta testers for something called "Facebook Lite." The notifications, as well as the site hosted on the subdomain, disappeared within minutes. It seems ...


Sadly this theme was only available for the Bold, but after much begging, redzapper finally found the time to do it up for the Storm. 3G is one of the best free themes I have come across in a while, and I'm sure Storm users will be glad to finally get their hands on it. ...


On the go or lost in the middle of nowhere but desperately in need of a power outlet to finish a game on a DSi or any other portable game device? Guess what, the hardcore green geeks over at Sanyo have THE solution. The Eneloop Portable Solar is your very personal solar panel for charging ...


Netflix, ahead of pay-TV providers, continues extending its own ?TV Everywhere? strategy to more devices. Next up: The company will soon offer the Watch Instantly video-streaming feature on Apple iPhones and iPod Touch devices and the Nintendo Wii gaming console, according to an industry executive familiar with Netflix?s plans. (Netflix wouldn?t confirm the info, with a ...