
Which states & cities have the largest penises? Q: Which states & cities have the biggest and smallest penises? And why in the world does Condomania know this??? A: That's a good question. New Orleans now has another reason to call itself "The Big Easy." The home of this year's Super Bowl champs ...

Being transparent (or nearly so) doesn?t mean animals have nothing to hide. On the contrary, their lack of pigmentation can help them elude predators who literally see right through them. Transparency also allows creatures to conserve precious resources, a benefit anyone can see. Transparent Sea Cucumber (images via: Wildfilms, MBARI, WHOI and Wild Singapore) Slow moving, soft ...


You love the convenience of wine in a box, but not crazy about the idea of serving it as is? Check out this new entertaining essential ? the Baggy Winecoat by Menu. Just remove your bag of wine from its box, place it in this soft bag-in-box wine dispenser, close the flexible top, and enjoy ...

Hot Cold Mug by Damian O

At plain sight it is a standard black mug as they come a dime a dozen and in big white letters it say COLD. Nothing fancy, but once you add the hot beverage of your choice, the mug changes color and is turning white and in big black letters it states: HOT. As your drink cools ...


The infographic below sheds some perspective on the magnitude of this major economical disaster. View your location and visualize the Gulf Shore Oil Spill over it HERE. Please share this with anyone else who is also environmentally conscious. Thank you. [Credit: TheSkinnyOn] [ratings]

Foot in Door

It’s been said many times that business is all about people. That being the case, perhaps we should stop reading management books for advice and start looking at social psychology. Very simply, social psychologists study how people interact with others – their families, friends, and yes, business partners. Smart marketers and executives have been using ...

The waterfall was created by a group of men for a public display in the heart of Tokyo in 2006. The architecture was designed by Tadao Ando and the ?waterfall? optical glass bar was designed by Tokujin Yoshioka and installation was performed by Olafur Eliasson. Together, this group of men created what appears to be ...


cosmetics 435x400

Mark ups are the small profit margins that retailers gain when an item is sold. It is the fundamental of business; it’s the reasons that the amount we pay is not what the item is actually worth. It’s the small amount of money the business owner tacks on to cover expenses and overhead costs such ...