Coffee-purveyor Starbucks reversed course Monday on its long-standing in-store Wi-Fi policy by announcing that starting July 1, Wi-Fi would be free in all its U.S. establishments. Though CEO Howard Schultz broke the news, CIO Stephen Gillett stands at the center of Starbucks? new and expanded Wi-Fi strategy. Gillett?s other title is general manager of Digital Ventures, ...

The Gulf oil spill has left people angry and frustrated to say the least, but one good thing that's come out of it is angry fan art. Those who are boycotting BP or wishing Tony Hayward would fall into the sludge have used their artistic skills to create these funny images. From Spongebob's demise to ...

Magnetic 3d mesh curtains Ascii curtains Wallpeppr: Paint with Flickr images Light emitting wallpaper Persian puzzle rug Space Invaders wall decals Geeky Kitchen and Bath Decor Luminous ripple faucet Musical shower Toast printer WC Notes Keyboard waffles | Tetris ice cubes | Star Trek bottle opener Kitchen stuff from LEGO LEGO salt and pepper Geeky Furniture Cut out PANO chair Han Solo carbonite desk Pixelated sofa Cardboard folding chair Arcade coffee table Appliances, Pillows and ...

// Remember when cars were romantic? Drive-in movies, first kisses, and freedom? Today, according to the Wall Street Journal, driving is one of the number one catalysts for disagreement among couples. From choosing a GPS? directions over those of your spouse to deciding whose turn it is to fill up the gas tank, it seems ...

We know what you're thinking. I love me some foosball; if only the game were infused with a bit more... car. Well, Audi Design has answered your prayers, good friend. The design was initially unveiled a couple of years ago, but is only now entering production, albeit limited: Only 20 examples of this soccer table ...

Why walk around the office when you can roll? The U3-X from Honda eliminates the need for strolling around the sea of cubicles and offers users the freedom to function without all that pesky leg movement. Full story at Neatorama. [ratings]

The Stats on Internet Pornography

Via: Online MBA [ratings]

sean miller, National Geographic Magazine Book Shelf, National Geographic Magazine Shelving, green design, eco design, sustainable design, spring greening contest, recycled design, reclaimed design, reclaiming design

This colorful shelf is made entirely from recycled National Geographic magazines. It was designed by Sean Miller, who was inspired by the stacks of old magazines cluttering his living room. First Sean coated the magazines with a a water/starch mixture and then he placed them under pressure for about a week to harden. Next ...

sustainable design, green design, passive solar design, geothermal heating, green building, sustainable architecture, festus misourri cave home, curt and deborah sleeper, green renovation, underground home, subterranean residence

Modern living meets subterranean splendor in this gorgeous home nestled inside of a 15,000-square foot sandstone cave in Festus, Missouri. Built by Curt and Deborah Sleeper, the underground abode features modern interior spaces that blend with the beautiful unfinished sandstone walls to create an incredible example of energy-efficient architecture. Geothermal heating and smart passive design ...

One of the hands-down favorite, perennial attractions at Maker Faire is the "Diet Coke and Mentos guys," aka Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz, aka EepyBird. Huge crowds excitedly gather to watch explosive geysers of carbonated combustion and to be showered with plumes of sticky sugar-water (which must be so much fun to wear around the ...